Monday, March 26, 2012

Getting started - A little about me

I was introduced to the Maya World in August of 2003, on a brief solo trip to Cancun. I visited the sites of Chichen-Itza and Tulum while there. After that, trips to visit Maya ruin sites became my greatest passion in life. My friends tell me I am on a mission to see as many Maya ruin sites as possible, and I guess I would have to agree with them, to an extent. I am considered by most to be a serious Maya enthusiast, but I don't consider myself to be a scholarly person about the subject. I simply know more than the average person does.

I have visited 111 different Maya ruins over the years. These include: (Mexico) Chinkultic, Tenam Puente, El Lagartero, Pomona, Tonina, Chinikiha, Sak Tzi, Oxkintok, Dzibilnocac, Rio Bec, Ramonal, Xtampak, Hochob, Tabasqueño, San Gervasio, El Castillo Real, El Cedral, Tulum, Xel-Ha, Coba, Ek Balam, Chichen-Itza, Mayapan, Acanceh, Dzibilchaltun, Kabah, Labna, Sayil, Uxmal, Xlapak, Edzna, Kohunlich, Chacchoben, Dzibanche, Kinichna, Palenque, Yaxchilan, Bonampak, Oxtankah, Chicanna, Becan, Hormiguero, Xpuhil, Calakmul, Balamku, Muyil, (Guatemala) La Muerta, Nakbe, La Florida, Ixcun, Ixtonton, Mixco Viejo, La Privada, Chilonche, Chitinamit, Sacul, El Chal, Los Olivos, San Clemente, Dos Aguadas, Xultun, Ucanal, Quirigua, Tzikintzakan, Buenos Aires, El Venado, El Tintal, El Mirador, Paxcaman, Naranjo, Motul de San Jose, Nixtunchich, Ceibal, Dos Pilas, Aguateca, Punta de Chiminos, Arroyo de Piedra, La Blanca, Hamontun, Naranjito, Kinal, Rio Azul, Holmul, Poza Maya, Nakum, Tayazal, Piedras Negras, El Peru, Cancuen, Tikal, Kaminaljuyu, Topoxte, Yaxha, Uaxactun, Ixlu, Zacualpa, Utatlan, Iximche (Belize) Caracol, Xunantunich, Cahal Pech, Lamanai, Altun-Ha, (Honduras) Copan, El Puente, Las Sepulturas (El Salvador) Joya de Ceren, Cihuatan, San Andres, Casa Blanca, and Tazumal.

I have also visited the stunning Inca ruins of Machu Picchu in Peru, the site of Teotihuacan, the Toltec ruins of Tula, and the Totonac ruins of El Tajin in Mexico. Also, I'm one of the destination experts for Guatemala on

Greg V

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